I'm worried my Cab Provider cannot complete the booking?
I’m concerned that my cab might not arrive.
Rest assured, all the cab providers listed on our website have independently established their own schedules and availability. This means that they should be fully equipped to fulfil your booking as planned. We take great care in partnering with reliable providers to ensure that your transportation needs are met efficiently.
I have already reached out to the cab provider.
If you have contacted your original cab provider and they inform you that they are unable to fulfil your booking, we urge you to reach out to us as soon as possible. Our team is dedicated to assisting you, and we will make every effort to find an alternative cab provider for you, at no additional charge. Your satisfaction and convenience are our top priorities.
You can easily get in touch with us through our live chat feature, which can be accessed by clicking the chat button located in the bottom right corner of this page. Alternatively, if you prefer speaking with someone directly, you can call us at +441234978010. A member of the minicabit Support team will be on hand to provide the assistance you need.
If you decide that cancelling your booking is the best option for you, we completely understand. For your convenience, we have provided links below that contain detailed information regarding our cancellation policy.
What is the latest time I can cancel a booking?