My flight has changed
If your flight schedule has changed and, as a result, you need to adjust your pickup time, it is essential to cancel your existing booking and make a new one. This ensures that your transportation aligns perfectly with your updated travel plans.
What is the latest time I can cancel a booking?
In the event that only your flight number has changed and all other aspects of your booking remain the same, we kindly ask you to reach out to us. This way, we can update your booking with the new flight number, ensuring that everything is accurate and up to date.
You have several options to contact us for assistance. You can utilise the live chat feature located in the bottom right corner of this screen for immediate support. Alternatively, you can send us an email at If you prefer, you can also submit a request for support here. We highly recommend using the live chat option if your pickup time is approaching within the next 24 hours, as this will provide you with the quickest response and assistance.