How to add payment methods
How do I add a payment card?
The Admin can add payments cards within the ‘Payment Methods’ section of the Business Dashboard.
How do I assign it to a team?
Once a payment card is added this can be assigned to a team either when adding a new team using the dropdown ‘assign payment card’ or by clicking ‘edit’ next to a team in the ‘Team’ list. Click here for instructions.
Members will be able to see their assigned cards within their ‘My account’ section or when on the payment screen when making a booking. Members can also add their own payment cards.
How do members pay with the payment card?
Staff Members can view the payment card assigned to their team within the ‘My Card Details’ section of ‘My Account’ or on the payment screen when making a booking. Staff Members can also add their own cards either in ‘My Account’ or when making a booking.