Creating a Business Account
New to minicabit and want to open a business account?
Simply head to, click the ‘Register your business’ button, and enter your details to create an account. This will create a Business Account.

Already have a minicabit Personal Account?
Head to, login and follow the prompts to convert your Personal Account to a Business Account. Once you have converted your account you will have access to the new business platform.
NOTE: you will still be able to make personal bookings at
Created a minicabit Business Account before June 27th 2022?
Your legacy account has been automatically converted to a Business Account on our new platform. Head to and login. After you have successfully re-validated your email, you will have access to our new business dashboard, where you can start to invite staff to your account.
NOTE: any business bookings made before June 27th, 2022, on will not be moved to your new Business Account, however, these can still be viewed and managed through