My driver is late
Hopefully this should never happen, but if your driver has not arrived at the agreed pick up time, there are some steps you can follow:
Contact the Cab Operator
In the first instance, you should make direct contact with the Operator (or driver if you have their details). Your Operator's contact details are in the confirmation email you received.
If you cannot get hold of the Operator or driver
Please contact us. You can call us anytime on +441322 251351 where a member of the Support team will do their best to get you in contact with the Operator or driver.
My driver is late but I've continued my journey with them
If the Operator’s Car turns up late and you still depart with them - even if beyond the initial 15 minutes - you are waiving the right to a refund.
I want to claim additional compensation
Please contact the Cab Operator. Any claim for additional compensation due to you is between you and the Cab Operator as minicabit is just the booking agent.